Making changes to your business with the current state of the market might not be at the top of your list. But with many companies currently working below their usual capacity, it might just be the ideal opportunity to get ahead. Implementing sales commission software for your business is a great way to improve morale, and establish brand-new practices that benefit your employees for years to come. Want to know how?

Here are our top tips to get you started:

Clearly communicate your plans

When implementing anything new in your business, it’s essential to provide clarity. This is even more important in uncertain times, where communication is the key to success. If you’re planning on implementing or trialing sales commission software in your company, then let your staff know about these plans. If your company isn’t currently furloughing employees, keeping them in the loop is even more essential, and can provide an extra degree of stability to work with.

Begin a testing and learning phase

While you may be tentative about rolling out new software immediately, implementing new processes at a slower speed may actually benefit your business in the future. There’s never been a better time to test out new sales commission software, especially if your business is currently on a reduced level of work. Whether it’s offering training, giving employees time to get to grips with the platform or providing webinars, there’s plenty you can do before that final launch. By putting down that foundation, you’re paving the way to a smoother start.

Implement your final roll-out

Once you’ve prepped your employees and communicated plans, what’s the next step? Change is already on the horizon, so bringing a positive addition to your business practices will be welcomed. By setting a date for roll-out as soon as possible, you can ensure good practices are in place ready for that increase in business that’s likely to come. Lockdown has been a time to adapt – but it’s also a time to grow for many businesses, so don’t be afraid to forge ahead.

Are you ready to jump-start your sales team with a new commission structure? If you need any help with your sales compensation management, get in touch with the Commissionly team anytime.

As a sales manager, training your team will significantly improve your chances of reaching your sales performance goals. A well-trained team will deliver more sales. But how do you achieve this? Let’s look at four ways to train your team.

1. Use real-life scenarios

Your salesforce will face different situations during sales. They may meet awkward people who are tough to handle and you can help them be familiar with these problematic situations. Practical activities, such as using real-life demonstrations or simulating conditions (, help improve the problem-solving ability of your salesforce. By testing them in these real-world situations, you get the necessary feedback to help your team improve their sales skills and feel more confident.

2. Create a continuous improvement culture

You should never forget that training your staff is a continual process. To meet your sales performance goals, you must use a system where you continuously review the performance of your salesforce on the ground. This action will expose any knowledge gap. Trends always emerge in the market, and you don’t want to be left behind. To help your team learn to adapt, you must also regularly refine your sales training methods. 

3. Identify individual needs

You should evaluate your staff’s training needs to identify problem areas. To do this, you can conduct individual performance reviews, personal interviews, or surveys. The information you get will help you know their weak points. This practice will make your training specific. You will prioritise on the relevant areas that add value to the overall performance of an individual. A personalised approach ensures you help an employee overcome a particular weakness during sales.

4. Use incentives

Your salesforce needs to be motivated to apply the training. You could set up a system that recognises those who succeed in applying the knowledge. It could be a commission-based system that appreciates their efforts. This action will push them to learn the concepts faster and earn their reward (

Training will give your salesforce the mental edge they need to push your sales performance goals to a whole new level. So keep at it!

No matter how excellent your sales team may be, there will come a time when the dreaded “sales slump” strikes. Essentially a period where sales just don’t seem to be being made, a sales slump can really happen to anyone – but it’s not the end of the world. In fact, with the right help from you, your sales team could easily break free of their sales slump and get back to what they do best – selling! Here are our top 3 tips.

Tip #1: Revisit your sales roadmap and reset expectations

Anxiety can get the better of all of us sometimes, but salespeople can be particularly prone to it when they feel they can’t hit their targets. When this happens, and they push even harder to sell, the anxiety can paradoxically make their sales performance worse. To help this, try revisiting your annual roadmap and show your sales team that it’s okay to go through a lull in sales – especially if it’s early in the year. 

Tip #2: Give your sales team well-defined goals

One issue that can lead to a sales slump is a lack of clear goals. If your team doesn’t know exactly what they should be aiming for, it’s very difficult for them to judge how well they’re doing. This can then progress to a lack of confidence in their own skills – even if they’re excelling at their job! If you can help them to create sales goals, and perhaps do some commission tracking to keep them focused, you’re certain to see better results. 

Tip #3: Incentivise in the right way

Once you’ve got sales goals set the way you want them, you also need to consider how to keep your sales team on target. The answer to this is, of course, incentivisation – but how do you go about this? You’ll know your team better than anyone, naturally, but financial incentives in the form of commission are often the most effective solution. By tracking progress on a sales commission dashboard, your team will be able to stay focused and maybe even get some healthy competition going with their teammates! 

If you’d like to avoid the dreaded sales slump, it’s a smart idea to invest in sales performance management, which is exactly what Commissionly was created for. If you’d like to learn about our cloud-based sales commission software, simply contact our team anytime.

When it comes to sales performance management, there’s, unfortunately, no such thing as a magic wand to create a motivated and effective sales team. So, what is the secret to crafting a supercharged sales team? Well, the answer may just surprise you in its simplicity: communication. 

Let’s look at why improving the way you communicate could give your sales team a boost:

1.) Don’t forget they’re human

When you’re managing a fast-moving sales team, it’s natural to focus on performance. In doing so, the team can become a lot like a machine, but it’s vital to remember that in reality, you’re dealing with a group of human beings.

They get tired, they get stressed, they have needs – and by addressing them with good communication, you can improve the sales team’s performance. Be sure to take the time to speak to each of your salespeople individually – and not just about their work.

2.) Ensure sales goals are clear and concise

There’s nothing more frustrating for a salesperson than an unclear or nebulous goal – and because salespeople tend to be goal-focused, this can result in stress and a reduction in performance.

When communicating with your sales team, ensure that you’ve been clear about what their goals are and what success looks like. If this means you need to work with them to create sales goals which work better for them, so be it – it’ll benefit your bottom line, after all. 

3.) Double-check they’ve got the tools they need

Another key to supercharging your sales team via communication is to make sure they have the tools and materials they need to succeed. If they’re pitching to a prospect and they don’t have the correct printed materials or resources, it could result in lost business for you – and this could have been avoided with better communication.

It’s a smart idea to set up a central location where your sales team can find all necessary collateral they need to make those sales.

If you need a little help meeting sales targets or motivating your sales team, consider a compensation software like Commissionly. With an easy-to-use design that’s accessible to all, it makes communication with your sales team an absolute breeze.

You can create the best work environment in the world, but the reality is that everyone works for themselves. The world of sales, however, is a lot different to many other industries. Without the right motivation, productivity will fall off a cliff. 

The loss of motivation

There tends to be a predictable curve when it comes to most sales staff. They’ll start off with a lot of enthusiasm but it eventually begins to taper off. Keeping that enthusiasm going is a challenge for any company as you still want to drive sales. 

This can mean hiring more staff with all the expenditure involved, despite the fact you already have all the staff you need.

The better solution

Companies can be hesitant to give out financial incentives as they feel as though they are giving away money. In reality, the old adage rings true: you need to spend money to make money. A fair and balanced incentive structure will lead to better results. 

It’s not just effort that will be improved but also happiness. A more harmonious workplace is one that will naturally be more productive. Not only that, but other expenditures such as recruitment will be vastly reduced. 

Not just money

It’s not just cash that gets sales teams incentivised, it’s prizes too. Running competitions will bring out everyone’s competitive side as they strive to be the winner. Sales staff respond a lot better to positive rather than negative stimulus.

This is where sales goals software can help you in more ways than one. You can make sales performance goals fun rather than being an unachievable target. It helps to create an overall work environment that works harder and therefore earns more money for you. 

Keep everyone happy

While it might seem counter-intuitive to give away money, the overall effect is more sales being made. Sales management software is able to help achieve those results. If you need to update your sales commission software, contact Commissionly today.

Are you keen to boost the effectiveness of your sales team by taking the sales performance management route? Then having an effective approach to help you get there is key. With the right approach, individuals will be able to work towards achieving your organisation’s goals and objectives.

Some success factors for sales performance management are:

Regular feedback

Both managers and employees require regular feedback, for instance, conversations about their performance and development. Feedback should highlight areas in which they excel and areas where more effort is required. This helps in supporting continuous learning in the workplace. Meetings should also be fairly balanced, rather than purely criticising employees. Focus on acknowledging their strengths to make them feel more valued and appreciated.

Altering the conversation

Most sales reviews are centred on forecasts and day to day performance. These short term interventions alone are not enough to improve performance. More emphasis should be placed on improving individuals’ skills and abilities through constant training and coaching. Listening to what employees have to say and providing constructive criticism also helps them perform their job more successfully.

Having appropriate goals to reflect the changing business environment

Sales environments are dynamic. As such, there is a constant need to adapt to the changing circumstances. For instance, acquiring a new product will attract new competitors. Consequently, a new strategic plan has to be in place. Every person should know how they fit into the new business landscape. Individual expectations should be constantly reviewed and communicated as and when necessary.

Goal transparency

Effective sales performance management should focus on the different dynamics of a team. A performing team is the sum total of its individual members. With well-aligned goals, it will be easy for each team member to understand how they can help one another better. Sharing ideals and feedback in a team (not just in a management team) makes for a more collaborative and inclusive environment for the whole team to succeed.

Productive reviews require preparation

Performance discussions are only productive when both parties prepare well. For employers, performance appraisals present the perfect opportunity to listen to employees. They should be allowed to voice their concerns and point out specific areas where they require more support say, for example, through special training.

Are you ready to take your organisation to the next level? Start by mapping your sales enablement journey. Always remember that organisations that implement effective sales performance management elevate themselves above their competitors.

The boss is walking past the workspace of a member of their team. They stop for a moment, then say: ‘I wanted to say good job with that contract’. Well, everyone loves praise, but the individual might have completed four contracts in the last three days. So which one? And were the others disappointing? 

Confused? People can be. In circumstances such as this, offering praise could actually be a demotivator, when entirely the opposite was the leader’s intention. To praise effectively, here are simple guidelines to follow:

1. Specific piece of performance

If the boss, or team leader, is able to describe exactly what the good performance looks like, then the recipient knows they are being paid proper attention. Unlike the quote at the start of this blog, how about: ‘I wanted to say congratulations for closing that contract for 4,000 units with Smith & Company’.

2. Add valid reasons for the praise

The salesperson now knows what you are talking about. Of course they will know that they performed well, but now you can let them appreciate that you do too, by adding a positive commentary on the achievement: ‘I know that they are difficult to tie down and like to take their time when deciding, especially when the directors are in different locations’. 

3. Be quick to deliver praise

The team member receiving the praise will soon be moving on to other challenges, seeking other orders. If the boss only congratulates them a week after a specific deal is concluded, such praise has lost its potency. It actually suggests a fairly casual approach to assessing their work or performance. For maximum relevance, praise should be delivered as close to the performance as possible. 

4. Praising when not present

The giver and the recipient of the praise might not be based in the same location. In this case, the same process can be completed remotely, either by telephone, email or text. The last two could also be used as a follow-up to face-to-face praise. This allows individuals to share the good news with colleagues, family and friends – adding to its motivational value.

Using our sales compensation and comission tracking software keeps the leader fully informed of individual performance; offering opportunities to deliver specific praise whenever it’s due. Contact us now to discuss how valuable it could prove to be for your small or medium sized business.

When calculating sales commissions, you’re going to be paying the best to those that have brought in the most business. That goes without saying.

At the same time, you can promote their success to the rest of the team to encourage the same ethics, skills and processes to your other staff so they can emulate their success.

Of course, one problem is that those not performing, and sometimes those that are, believe in a series of myths that supposedly will make them a success. Here are five of those myths debunked that can help overcome the psychology that is stopping some of your sales team from achieving great sales commission:

1. Great salespeople are born and not made

This is completely wrong. A good salesperson can be trained by someone if they have the desire to succeed. The truth is that sales staff who perform better are likely to be the ones who’ve prepared better for their sales call, got a more well-defined strategy for the lead and have a standardised process for recognising opportunities.

2. You have to be pushy and aggressive to be great at sales

This myth is probably born out of stereotypes on television and films like the Boiler Room. However, the best salespeople aren’t pushy. They might be persistent and they might be determined, but there is a fine line between that and being aggressive.

A good salesperson instead talks to a customer about pain points and discusses how they can help solve it by building trust. You can’t build trust by being aggressive.

3. The best salespeople want constant recognition

A lot of people think that fame and fortune are the two motivations of a good salesperson. While recognition for some salespeople is appreciated, they don’t always seek it. Sometimes, just knowing that they’re getting a good pay-check is enough motivation for them. They would happily do the same job in the corner of the office, even if no-one said well-done to them.

4. The best don’t need training

Everyone needs training, regardless of their skill levels. Feedback and improvement is what has got many of the best salespeople to their current position and it will help them improve their performances for many years to come. So perhaps it’s good to have a good performer train with some of the other sales team to show just how far they’ve come and how much further they can go.

5. Top salespeople won’t help out peers

This is the worst myth about the best sales performers in an organisation. Many believe that they’re so cut-throat that they’ll hurt those seeking help. The truth is the opposite.

The best performers want what is best for the company, so they will seek out opportunities to improve others in the team so the company wins. If the company wins, then they will get better rewards.

Sales is a varied beast, and every industry, company and even individual has a perspective on how to do it best, but you need consistency from your team.

Thorough onboarding, regular training and a good operational base are the best way to implement your brand standard, so here are some tips on how you can create that atmosphere for your workplace:

1. Have a clear, consistent sales commission scheme which is implemented across the board

Perhaps your commission scheme has different levels to reflect experience or commitment to the company, but it is vital that this should be open and transparent throughout the team.

Without a standard process or structure, resentment, gossip and vindictive behaviour can thrive as people think they are being shortchanged or undervalued. This toxic environment, in turn, leads to high staff turnover and therefore a big loss in potential sales.

2. Create sales goals which are regularly reviewed

Obviously, sales goals are paramount to any business development team, but there is more to it than that. If people feel that they have moving targets which are personal to them, they feel valued and are more motivated to keep on progressing up the ladder. Having a good sales performance management tool in place will save you a wealth of time when structuring this kind of workplace.

3. Keep training sessions short

When training spans hours or even days, concentration dwindles and the capacity of the brain for retaining information is compromised. Many of the most innovative companies around the world instead run short daily or weekly huddles in which a new subject is explored. This serves not only as personal development for your team but is also a great stimulator first thing in the morning when your team might need the cobwebs brushing away.

4. Use the buddy system

By buddying coworkers, they not only have a person to bounce ideas or problems off, perfect for conserving your energy, but they also form more meaningful connections at work. These friendships will keep your staff more satisfied with their job and therefore less likely to leave. A great way to keep your turnover down and retain solid employees!

A sales decline can be worrying for any business. The key is to get to the bottom of why you’ve had a drop in sales.

Once you’ve done this, you can put a plan in place to get your business back on track. So, with that being said, let’s take a look at some of the common reasons for a decline in sales :

Lack of motivation

Are your salespeople in a bit of a slump? A lack of motivation is something we all experience from time-to-time. However, it results in reduced productivity, and this causes sales to decline. There are a number of ways to get your employees back on track, from team bonding days to running sales competitions.

Ignoring your competition

Perhaps your competitors have just come out with a new and innovative marketing campaign combined with a top-of-the-line product that is unmatched in the industry?

If that’s the case, it’s of no surprise that your sales have declined. Your customers have moved to the competition. Competing businesses need to be on your radar all of the time, enabling you to react quickly and effectively. 

Old-school selling techniques

If your team is going to continue to reach sales targets, they need to move forward and stay up-to-date with the latest techniques. If your employees are still using old-school selling techniques (yes, we’re talking about door-to-door sales and cold calling!), it’s time fora change.

Poor sales and marketing alignment

Finally, another common reason for a decline in sales is when the people on your marketing team aren’t collaborating effectively with those in your sales team. If there have been recent changes in your marketing strategy or personnel, it is worth looking into this further. After all, your sales team depends on your marketing team to give them qualified leads. 

As you can see, there are a number of different reasons why you may have experienced a sales decline. One effective method for enhancing sales performance management to ensure you keep on track is by using Commissionly. This is the first cloud-based sales commission and sales compensation management web app that has been fully designed for SMEs.

Contact us today for more information.